Nalion pet tags - more than just a pet tag! Personal. Unique. Individually.

From heart to heart

Nalion ELEMENTS pet tags

The brands that tell a little story...

Configure & create your own brand in the design of your choice.

Choose the right brand from many shapes and sizes.

Generate your very own, individual pet brand from over 10 fonts and the elements of your choice and make it unique - as individual as its owner.

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Nationalion pet tags

A personalized, custom designed pet tag that combines the useful with the beautiful - is a hand-stamped metal pet tag.
My brands come from the heart to touch hearts - each brand is as individual as your animal.
Configure your very own pet brand or choose from ready-made designs - any brand
is unique and is stamped by hand.

Customize now

MOTIV pet tags

For those who don't want to worry about design, there are MOTIV pet tags.

MOTIV pet tags are basically ready-made designs and all you have to do is choose which one you like best and personalize it.

Like all the others, they come in many different shapes and colors

The MOTIV pet tags are divided into story motif pet tags and single motif pet tags.

The Story Motiv pet tags are brands with small stories in pictures and the Single Symbol pet tags are brands with just one symbol - for everyone who prefers something a little simpler.

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Mini pet tags

The smallest brands in the shop - for the smallest breeds or anyone who likes it a little smaller.

Create your own individual brand with a large selection of motifs and fonts.

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Exclusive collections

with great partners - jointly developed products and designs.

Among other things, with WOLF GARMENT

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Nalion - small but nice

• Hand-stamped, personalized
• Hand-stamped little things for
give away
• hand-stamped jewelry

Your individual gift idea - for anyone who is looking for a unique one
is a gift.

Handmade with love

Discover now